Central Springs Reserve Master Plan

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You Are Here:Central Springs Reserve Master Plan

Hepburn Shire Council (HSC) engaged Sentient Design in February 2021 to develop an updated Master Plan for the Reserve that refl ects the current aspirations of the community and significant stakeholders.

The site is a steep valley falling from the human made Lake Daylesford. The valley has long been used to “take the waters” and several amenity structures have existed previously on the site. Some large exotic trees shade part of the valley floor and regenerated bush grows on the enclosing hillsides.

This Master Plan proposes the development of the reserve as “a well-presented and accessible passive reserve that presents cultural stories in a shaded setting with links to the surrounding bushland.”

Proposed improvements include:

New landscaping to the reserve generally including an Indigenous designed shelter structure, amenity area, paths, furniture and signage.
New setting for the Central Springs including new accessible pumps, paving, furniture and stone wall
Interpretation and presentation of the existing historic features
Edge stabilisation and planting treatments to the Wombat Creek
A new DDA car park off Fulcher Street with accessible path to the reserve
New paths from the reserve to both the main car park and to Lake Daylesford to allow a higher degree of safety and access.
Formalisation and renewal of the existing main car park
New wayfinding and interpretation signage throughout.

Client: Hepburn Shire Council

Collaborator: Karoline Klein Landscape Architecture conducted peer review

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