Railway Park is a small park at the entrance to the Bendigo Railway Station with some mature Moreton Bay figs and palm trees. Surrounded by dense shrubs and without lighting, it was a space avoided by most pedestrians walking between the station and the urban centre.
A broad accessible path was installed directly linking the station and crossing at the far end. This immediately channelled all the pedestrians who had been walking around the park through it, activating the space and creating a gateway to the CBD.
New responsive LED lighting increased the perception of safety for users, and provided efficient energy use during lower use periods. The high shrubs were replaced by low ornamental plants that provide a changing seasonal experience. New furniture provided an attractive and comfortable place for local workers.
Client: The project was a joint project between the City of Greater Bendigo, the then Department of Transport.
The design for Railway Park was completed by Justine Image as an employee of the City of Greater Bendigo.