Sentient Design develops creative, innovative and exceptional design solutions in landscape architecture. Based in the Macedon Ranges, Sentient Design provides services to local government, business and private property owners.
With an appreciation of local conditions, environmentally responsive design and legislative requirements Sentient Design specialises in developing attractive, functional and stimulating places that encourage community ownership.
Strong on-the-ground outcomes are built on a thorough and collaborative design process, engaged communities and a flexible, responsive and dedicated approach.
Justine Image
Sentient Design was founded in 2014 by Justine Image. As a Registered Landscape Architect Justine has extensive experience within local government, as well as within private consultancy. She has a broad background of projects, including open space master planning, play space design, residential landscapes and urban design initiatives.
Justine combines a strong commitment to site-specific design with an innovative approach and strong skills in visual representation. She works collaboratively with contractors, artists, engineers and other professionals to develop unique and practical solutions to client needs.
Living in the Macedon Ranges, Justine has a particular understanding of the richness, challenge and potential of living in regional Victoria.
Professional Memberships
Justine Image is a Registered Landscape Architect with the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects. Sentient Design is an Industry Member of Play Australia.