Huntly Kinder Yard

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You Are Here:Huntly Kinder Yard

The township of Huntly has a proud agricultural heritage. This redesign of the natural play area of the Huntly Kindergarten was inspired by the movement of squatters over the landscape.

A simpe palette of timber sleepers and reclaimed hardwood was used to construct a variety of elements including a bridge, fence, sign post and paths. A rustic drovers hut provide a significant central focus for imaginative play.

Children are encouraged to interact with natural materials and are provided with sandpits and a mudpit, together with water to construct mud bricks and build tunnels and towers in the sand.

A number of consultation sessions were conducted with the staff and stakeholders to ensure that the design was reponsive to their needs and preferences.

Client: City of Greater Bendigo / Shine Bright Early Years Manager

Collaborator: The drovers hut was expertly constructed by Linton Torr from Raw Boards

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